A few simple lifestyle changes for treating gallstones

November 4, 2015

If you have gallstones, you're in good company. About 2.5 million other Canadians have them as well. Today, newer, less invasive surgical techniques will help you banish gallstone pain.

A few simple lifestyle changes for treating gallstones

Change it up

The top priority of most people who've passed a gallstone is to keep it from happening again. You can reduce the number of repeat episodes (and maybe even prevent them) by doing the following.

Watch your weight:

  • An ideal body weight can help keep gallstones from forming. If you need to shed weight, don't lose too much too fast; rapid weight loss increases gallstone production.

Reduce dietary fat and sugar:

  • Both have been linked to an increased risk for gallstones. Instead, eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables; vegetarians infrequently get gallstones.

Drink plenty of water:

  • At least six to eight glasses a day will help you maintain the right water content for bile.

Stay regular:

  • Eating fibre-rich foods is always helpful. For occasional constipation, use a bulk-forming laxative, such as psyllium (Metamucil).


  • A study of 45,000 male health professionals found that moderate to vigorous exercise reduced the risk of gallstone attacks by 20 to 40 percent.
  • Researchers theorize that exercise is beneficial because it reduces blood levels of cholesterol. Try to get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise — jogging, swimming, biking, playing tennis, brisk walking — at least three to five times a week.

Beware of the liver "flush"

A popular home remedy for gallstones, the liver "flush" is a drink made up of olive oil, lemon juice and herbs.

  • It’s reputed to literally flush gallstones out of your gallbladder.
  • Don't believe it. What comes out aren't really stones at all, but chunks of a soaplike material that’s formed in the intestines by mixing the oil, the lemon juice and certain minerals.
  • Not only is this drink ineffective, but the oil could make your gallbladder contract, which can shift a gallstone and induce a severe gallbladder attack as the stone moves down (or even blocks) your bile duct.

Gallstones can be an uncomfortable -- or even painful -- experience for many people. Try making these really simple lifestyle changes to prevent a re-occurrence.

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