New computer software programs and videos promise to boost brainpower while you have fun. Here are a few things to keep in mind about this so-called brain-boosting software:
October 5, 2015
New computer software programs and videos promise to boost brainpower while you have fun. Here are a few things to keep in mind about this so-called brain-boosting software:
Research shows that older people may get benefits, but barely more than you'd gain from regular exercise, an active social life, and regular mental challenges. Meanwhile, experts warn that computer fun may not be best for babies.
Still, the notion that working your brain can forestall age-related mental declines is controversial.
Despite marketing claims, videos and computer programs that promise to make babies smarter or learn language faster don't work — and can even backfire.
While much of the research is contradictory, it is best to keep your mind active in as many ways as possible. Brain-boosting software may help your memory, but being actively involved in social groups, having hobbies, and challenging yourself mentally are all proven to be effective. Be sure to use a combination of all of these things to keep yourself mentally stimulated.
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