When it comes to peanut allergy emergencies, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what to do. With a little education and preparation at school, an allergy does not have to be something to fear.
May 21, 2015
When it comes to peanut allergy emergencies, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what to do. With a little education and preparation at school, an allergy does not have to be something to fear.
The best thing to do is work on a method of prevention. It's a good idea to ensure that both parents of other students and the students themselves are aware of the fact that they should avoid packing lunches that feature peanuts.
When handling peanut allergy emergencies, time is your most important asset.
When it comes to allergies, not every child is the same. Some children may have additional medical concerns that you should take into account while others may need a specific plan of treatment.
The best way to avoid any potential allergy issues is to minimize the presence of food altogether.
While this can be a difficult task in large schools, it's a good idea to teach children their own plan of action.
As scary as a severe allergy is, as long as both educators and children know the action plan, they can take comfort in knowing that they are prepared to handle a peanut allergy emergency at school.
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