Hello everyone and to 'to' all! It is with great enthusiasm that we are presenting the shows that will présentés during the next year in our new auditorium and all rénovée to 'cutting edge technology où sound envelops you ever auparavant.Vous can apprécier also in our new areas such as home, bar and cloakroom gratuit.Par we also invite you under- always visit us when one of our presentations to the National Film répertoire Cinév'Art with the National Film Paradiso Chandler. You can connai ^ be the details of each film and the trailers in the National Film section of our website.We appreciate your fidélité and looking forward to meeting you at one of our shows Sapinart or meeting one of the projections Cinév'Art.Où get tickets? Nothing is easier than to buy tickets for our shows.more...See more text