At Best Health Acupuncture we believe that health is a lifestyle. We use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Acupuncture, exercise therapy, nutrition and mind-body techniques to address your health concerns and help you create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. Becoming healthier is no quick-fix. It is simply a choice to align your daily life in a way that helps you achieve and maintain your optimal level of holistic health - mentally, physically and emotionally. We believe a strong practitioner-patient relationship is fundamental in helping you reach your health goals. We take the time to get to know YOU by doing a thorough health history and initial assessment as well as on-going consultations and re-assessments to make sure we are getting the best outcome. If you are interested in learning more about acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or any of our other services please give us a call for a free 15 minute phone consultation. Visit Our Website.more...See more text
I have been receiving treatment from Best Health Acupuncture for a number of years now. As an athlete, I sought the help of Amanda to treat my chronic sprained ankle injury. Not only does Amanda help with my ankle, she also treats any other problems I may have such as a cold, headache or menstrual cramps. Overall, Amanda provided a comfortable and patient-centered treatment experience!
I went to see Amanda for sciatica after being in pain for 3 weeks. I was nervous about the needles before starting but Amanda made me feel very comfortable. She is friendly, personable and took her time to understand my condition and how it was affecting me. She is very gentle with the needles. I didn't feel a thing.
Did not help me at all. Treatments felt rushed and did not address the problem I had. I would not recommend this Acupuncturist. Don't waste your time or money here.
Hello! I am sorry to hear you did not enjoy your experience. I would love to speak with you and see if we can figure out exactly why you did not respond to the treatment. It is important to complete your treatment plan in its entirety and come in for the recommended number of appointments in order to achieve maximum results and to make sure your condition is healed properly and completely. At Best Health Acupuncture we strive to provide customized, individualized treatments and are trained in a variety of different acupuncture styles (Traditional, Medical, Balance Method,
electro-acupuncture). If you are not responding to a particular treatment we are able to adjust the treatment accordingly in order to achieve your health goals. Give us a call and we can see how we can help!
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